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October: Crystals For Soulwork and Shamanic Journeying: Tiffany Stone, Session 13

  • Kristin Bredimus Spiritual Consultancy 254 Essex Street Salem United States (map)

$90, includes the cost of a Tiffany Stone. (Cost of workshops will vary in relationship to the price of the crystals supplied).

"To shamans everything in the physical universe is alive and imbued with spirit or life force, particularly crystals. Shamans, intermediaries between the physical and spiritual levels of being, traditionally used crystals for soul retrieval, empowerment, divination and journeying between the worlds to seek insights and solutions. All facilitated by crystals. Certain crystals even have specific allies, power animals or spirit beings, connected to them to assist you in your quest." Judy Hall

In this monthly series, participants will gain a foundation for how to select, cleanse, dedicate, activate and work with crystals. Each session will include a healing share as well as a shamanic journey, as assisted by the featured crystal.

Session 13 is dedicated to Tiffany Stone (Kristin’s favorite crystals): Geologically, Tiffany Stone is a rock composed primarily of fluorite with smaller amounts of opal, calcite, dolomite, quartz, chalcedony, bertrandite, beryllium and other materials. Tiffany Stone is extremely rare and valuable, found in only one place on earth, the Brush Wellman Beryllium Mine in the Topaz-Spor Mountains of Juab County in western Utah, USA.

This lovely stone engenders a light-hearted freedom, whether it is in meditation, connecting to spiritual realms, finding creative inspiration, or just learning to “be” in the moment. It is ideal for releasing stress and pent up emotions, clearing blockages of the meridians and chakras, and allowing positive energy to flow. This high-vibrational, energizing stone carries a soft frequency that nurtures the mind, stimulating and opening the Crown and Higher Crown Chakras, and increasing one’s intuition and metaphysical abilities.

You may find that when you first hold it, that it has a somewhat subtle vibration, that becomes more obvious after you have sat and made a connection with its energy.

Note: As Beryllium is toxic, Tiffany Stone should be worn or used only in polished form, and gem essences should be prepared by the indirect method.

Properties Include:

  • Connects to the heart and the higher heart or thymus chakra, bringing through beautiful loving feelings.

  • Helps one receive guidance from the higher realms, by raising the vibrations of the third eye chakra, the crown chakra, and soul star chakra, connecting one quite easily with the higher transpersonal chakras. 

  • Within the throat chakra it has an action that may help to aid communication, both in everyday and psychic communication. 

  • It vibrates strongly within the heart chakra and the thymus chakra or higher heart chakra, and fills one with unconditional love.

  • It has a strong healing action in the body and is known to enhance and boost one’s sex life and may be used to stimulate flagging sexual desires.

Kristin Bredimus is a certified Crystal Master Practitioner, who has been educated by Judy Hall, and trained and certified by Penny King.

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