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Connecting with Spirit Guides and Angelic Energies

  • Kristin Bredimus Spiritual Consultantcy 254 Essex Street, Suite 204 Salem, MA, 01907 USA (map)

A comprehensive starting point for anyone interested in developing his or her intuition.

 10 sessions (2 Saturdays a month), $500, minimum of 6 students required to run class

Dates: 1/19, 2/2, 2/16, 3/2, 3/16, 4/6, 4/27, 5/11, 5/18, 6/1

Over the course of ten sessions students will learn the basics and best practices for energy management, attuning to the Spirit world as well as the how-to’s for connecting to one’s own spirit guides, guardian angels and angelic energies. Through lecture, demonstration, meditation and practical exploration, students will gain the foundation for unlocking their own extra sensory perception, helping to illuminate a higher purpose or simply support a curiosity. No prior experience is necessary.

It is a recommend that you keep a journal in order to track your development as well as any questions that may arise during the duration of the course.

Week 1: Introductions: Understanding Your Spiritual “Starting Line”.

In week one we will share our personal stories, relaying our interests and any experiences that we have had with the Spirit world. Students will also be provided with an overview of the course, commonly used spiritual vocabulary as well as an overview of the subtle body systems.

Lecture: Introduction to the Chakras and Aura. Overview on energy hygiene and maintenance.

Guided Meditation: Grounding, connecting with the body’s energy systems, clearing the auric field, “opening” and “closing”.


Week 2: Connecting with Your Doorkeeper and Main Guide.

In week two students will be introduced to the concept of the “Doorkeeper” and “Main Guide”.

Lecture: The Roles of Guides in Our Spiritual Pursuits.

Guided Meditation: Grounding and opening meditation. Sensing and connecting with the guides through mindfulness.


Week 3: Connecting with Your Guardian Angel (s).

In week three students will be introduced to the concept of guardian angels and how to link with angelic energies to bring forth practical information related to health, relationships, life purpose, protection and spirituality.

Lecture: How to Connect with the Angelic Realm for Guidance.

Guided Meditation: High frequency meditation to raise our vibration and set intention to link to the angelic realm.

Practical: Experience what it is like to sit in the energy of another person and their personal spirit team.

Week 4: Understanding How to Give An Angelic Reading.

In week four we will explore the concept of permission and free will, as we learn the principals of bringing forth angelic messages for “Sitters”.

Lecture: Understanding the Concept of Permission and Free Will.

Guided Meditation: Connecting to a Sitter’s Guardian Angel in order to bring forth practical messages of healing, support and gentle wisdom.

Practical: Students will work in pairs, taking turns giving one another an angelic message.

Week 5: Working from the Heart: Exploring the Heart Chakra for a Deeper Connections to our Guides.

In week five we will examine our heart chakra, learning techniques to expand this energy center through healing and visualization techniques. 

Lecture: Understanding Why Sensitives Work From The Heart.

Guided Meditation: Activating and attuning the 3-chambered heart center.

Practical: Students will work in pairs, taking turns giving one another an angelic message.

Week 6: Working in Harmony with Your Spirit Guides.

In week six we will deepen our connection to our individual Gatekeeper, Main Guide and Guardian Angel in order to amplify our connection to Spirit. Students will be guided to dialog with their spirit team in order to set intentions for their spiritual practice.

Lecture: Introduction to the “Claires”.

Guided Meditation: Connecting with our spirit team, we will establish communication through our subjective and objective senses. Students will be guided to subjectively experience seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting and knowing in order to get a sense of how their guides currently communicate.

Practical: Students will work in pairs, delivering angelic messages by focusing on the Medium’s prominant psychic sense.

Week 7: Identifying and Understanding Animal Spirit Guides.

In week 7 students will explore the role of animal guides and how the mythological and natural animal kingdom can aid our higher consciousness, healing and protection.

Lecture: Animal Archetypes and Symbolism in Shamanism, Mythology and Metaphysics.

Guided Meditation: Connecting to the spirit menagerie.

Group Discussion: Deciphering the symbolism.

Healing: Evoking unicorn energy to cleanse, repair and energize the subtle body.

Week 8: Introduction to Elementals.

In week eight students will be introduced to the concept of Elementals, exploring earth, water, fire and air energies.

Lecture: Exploring Nature’s Invisible World: Understanding How Elementals Support Nature.

Guided Meditation: Connecting to the energies and environments of gnomes (earth), undines (water), salamanders (fire) and sylphs (air).

Practical: Students will work in pairs, delivering messages from the angelic, animal spirit and/or elemental realms.

Week 9: Introduction to Archangels and Ascended Masters.

In week nine students will broaden their psychic frequency in order to attune to archangels and ascended masters.

Lecture: Exploring the Collective Consciousness and Archetypal Energy in Religion.  Introduction to the primary Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel.

Guided Meditation: Chakra attunement to the Archangel Rays of Light. 

Demonstration: Messages from Archangels and Ascended Masters.

Practical: Students will work in pairs, delivering messages from the Archangels.

Week 10: Understanding Your Higher Purpose.

In week 10 students will evaluate their spiritual development, have an opportunity to address any spiritual or energetic questions or concern, as well as reflect on their higher purpose.

Group Discussion: Students will be invited to share the highlights of the their spiritual development to date.

Guided Meditation: Tuning into the Seat of the Soul, within the 3 chambered heart chakra, we will set the intention to gain awareness of our higher purpose.

Feedback & Angelic Message: Each student will receive written feedback on the progress of their personal development as well as a messaged channeled from the angelic realm.

Course Homework:

·      Required: Six written channeled messages to be completed and shared with classmates in week 10.

·      Recommended: Weekly meditation and journaling.

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