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New Patreon Tier: Evolutionary Light Warrior

  • Kristin Bredimus Spiritual Consultancy 254 Essex Street, Suite 204 Salem, MA, 01907 USA (map)

“There is no light without shadow and no psychic wholeness without imperfection.”, Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy“Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.” — Ernest Holmes

The entirety of humanity may not understand that we are in the process of co-creating and birthing a new world, but you have heard the war cry. The battle is internal, as we face our shadows; recognizing the existential need to acknowledge, release and integrate the dark, unconscious aspects of our personality. When we repress and disown our negative human emotions and impulses— such as rage, greed, envy and selfishness— we cast out aspects of ourselves, disconnecting from positive pieces of who we are, as well as our more complex aspects. Any part of ourselves that we have disowned turns against us; our inner world abandonment reflecting back to us through the turmoil of our outer world.

The mirrored reflection of our outer world shows us the fractured state of the minds, bodies and souls across our planet. Society may be disconnected from its Divine Self, resulting in the frayed connection to the Earth and to each other, but you have felt the call of your soul. The cultivation of our incorporeal essence beckons us to go inward, recognizing our infinite potential and nurturing our divine nature. When we recognize that we are powerful beyond measure we begin to understand the quantum possibilities of our actions, thoughts and deeds. When we bring grounded, thoughtful intentions into our being and doing, we begin to influence the collective consciousness, the invisible energetic influence of humankind’s “hive mind”.

The prospect of delving inward to retrieve our own souls— and in doing so embodying the quintessence of humanKIND— may feel daunting. But you are not alone. In a community, we will connect to sentient beings of our central world and learn how to access the lower and higher realms. Everything imagined exists in someplace, time and dimension. The beings of Light in our religions, myths, folklore, fables and traditions are accessible through our thoughts and intentions. These Higher Dimensional, high vibrational benevolent beings honor our free will, while being readily available to offer support when called upon.

You always knew that you had a higher calling. This is your invitation to step into your purpose, going inward through illumination, rising upwards to receive the wisdom of our ancestors, guides and guardians, and reaching outwards to offer good medicine to humanity.


“Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.”― L.R. Knost

Meetings will be held the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month at 9am ET, lasting 1.5hrs. Each session will be recorded for those unable to join live.

What's included

  • Bi-weekly Energetic Check-in with Collective Curing

Upcoming Topics:

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2/11 Clearing Dark Force Energies in Financial Institutions

2/25 Clearing Dark Force Energies in Media and Journalism

3/11 Clearing Dark Force Energies in Social Media

3/25 Clearing Dark Force Energies in Government

4/8 Clearing Dark Force Energies in Technology

4/22 Clearing Dark Force Energies in Artificial Intelligence