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June: Crystals For Soulwork and Shamanic Journeying: Diopside, Session 9

  • Kristin Bredimus Spiritual Consultancy 254 Essex Street Salem United States (map)

$80, includes the cost of a Diopside. (Cost of workshops will vary in relationship to the price of the crystals supplied).

"To shamans everything in the physical universe is alive and imbued with spirit or life force, particularly crystals. Shamans, intermediaries between the physical and spiritual levels of being, traditionally used crystals for soul retrieval, empowerment, divination and journeying between the worlds to seek insights and solutions. All facilitated by crystals. Certain crystals even have specific allies, power animals or spirit beings, connected to them to assist you in your quest." Judy Hall

In this monthly series, participants will gain a foundation for how to select, cleanse, dedicate, activate and work with crystals. Each session will include a healing share as well as a shamanic journey, as assisted by the featured crystal.

Session 9 is dedicated to Diopside: Diopside is a talisman of both personal protection and the joy of nature. It is a powerful guardian for your loved ones and your physical security.

Diopside is a Guardian Harmonizer Crystal. When you have something you want to protect use a crystal that forms in the monoclinic system like Diopside. These Guardian crystals have an internal structure that is composed of parallelograms. The parallel structure of their crystalline lattice gives these crystals their power to protect us in the physical world and in the spiritual one. The Guardian talismans do not reveal their inner strength. These stones rarely, if ever, form transparent crystals. Rather, they hide their strength behind an opaque mask, obscuring the power they possess.

Diopside is a calcium magnesium silicate found in metamorphosed impure limestone, meteorites and igneous basalts. It was previously named schefferite, white schefferite and zinc-schefferite.

Properties include:

  • Contains the frequency of the Green Color Ray of Influence is and associated with the Fourth Chakra, the Heart Chakra.

  • Used in emotional healing when someone needs to recover from emotional trauma.

  • Helps one become more aware of the needs of his or her heart and improves one’s ability to express love.

  • Supports cellular memory, physical weakness, acid-alkaline balance, the lungs, circulation, hormonal balance and blood pressure. It is beneficial for inflammation, muscular aches and spasm, stress, the kidneys and the heart.

Kristin Bredimus is a certified Crystal Master Practitioner, who has been educated by Judy Hall, and trained and certified by Penny King.

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