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May Community Atlantean Healing with Sound, Color and Intention

  • Kristin Bredimus Spiritual Consultancy 254 Essex Street, Suite 204 Salem, MA, 01970 United States (map)

Atlantis will rise again- Chales Olson, American Poet 

Almost everyone on Earth has had an incarnation in Atlantis, where great spiritual and technological knowledge was amassed beyond anything we can currently comprehend. It is now time for the ancient wisdom to be brought forward so that another Golden Age can develop.- Diana Cooper, Author of Discover Atlantis

The third Monday of every month you are invited to join a community healing session, utilising the transformational vibrations of sound and color. Attendees will be encouraged to follow a protocol, helping to enhance their experience.

In truth all healing began in Atlantis for before this time there was no illness, in the early Golden Age of Atlantis healing was largely a therapeutic and preventative measure - events more akin to concerts than healing sessions. These were held regularly by the Healer Priests - open to all - in which sacred sound and color in combination with the creation of vibrational fields of power were made manifest for all present to experience and sit within. These vibrational energies maintained the wellness of those subject to them, correcting imbalances, topping up ailing energy fields and clearing blockages well before they could manifest into anything harmful. - Solomon, an Apothecary Skull, whose wisdom was channelled by Spiritual Artist & Teacher, Edwin Courtney


  • Wear comfortable clothes. Recommend wearing white or light coloured clothing.

  • Please arrive prior to the evening’s start time.

  • Empty your bladder in advance of the session.

  • Enter the space in silence and remain silent until you are invited to chant.

  • Have water readily available.

  • Please exchange energy, via payment, in advance. If you are paying cash, please leave it by the coffee mugs prior to the start of the session.

Many thanks in advance for following the protocols, ensuring the energetic integrity of the experience.


Kristin Bredimus, Spiritual Consultant & Eileen O’Brien, Sound Healer

Please Note: Sound healing may be uncomfortable for some, as energy is moving through the body to be released. Please use discretion, assessing whether or not this modality would be beneficial. Individuals who have a history of brain injury or hearing sensitivities should consult their doctor before attending as sound may aggravate symptoms.

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