“If you truly want to change your life you must first change your mind.”
Join Jennie Ryan Spangenberg and Kristin Bredimus for an evening of mindful meditation through essential oils. Participants will be guided to tune into the body, quiet the mind and stimulate the sense through an olfactory exploration of Young Living Essential Oils.
Mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one's attention to experiences occurring in the present moment, with intention and without judgment.
Benefits of Mindfulness:
· Mindfulness Reduces Anxiety
· Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Implicit Age and Race Bias
· Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) May Prevent And Treat Depression
· Increases Body Satisfaction
· Mindfulness Meditation Improves Cognition
· Mindfulness Meditation Help The Brain Reduce Distractions
Jennie Ryan Spangenberg
Jennie describes herself as a free spirited adventuress that loves the outdoors; hiking mountains, ocean fishing, and swimming. Jennie is passionate about empowering individuals to find their joy through holistic approaches.
Her journey to Natural Living started when she was working in Animal Rescue and became more mindful of “cruelty free” products. This led her down a windy path of healthier eating habits, exercise, and eventually to non-toxic living. Learning to avoid harmful chemicals and live a non-toxic lifestyle became very important, especially after getting pregnant. This way of living evolved into full time Hippie for Jennie and her family.
After her first child, she opened a retail establishment called Crunchy Granola Baby (CGB) here in Salem, MA. It was a retail store with environmental conscience items to support a more natural lifestyle for mama's and newbies. More important to Jennies was that it became a community resource; creating communities of new families that were learning about holistic parenting practices and supporting each other.
After the closing of CGB almost 8 years ago Jennie became a birth and postpartum doula and is working at a holistic health center. She continues to share a Natural Lifestyle and feeling of community with Young Living.
Jennie Ryan Spangenberg
Young Living Independent Sharer #1043457
call/text 508-284-9888
Instagram @hippieyl