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(In-Person, Outdoors) 9|9 Portal Activation

  • The Monoliths, Little Rock 398 Southern Ave #334 Essex, MA 01929 USA (map)

In response to the destruction of sacred sites across the globe, Gaia calls to us, inviting us to come together as the family of Mother Earth. As family, we will work with the angels of the horizontal and vertical planes on the 9|9 Portal to activate an energy vortex on the North Shore of Massachusetts.

All who are called to participate in this activation ceremony are asked to bring a natural organic offering, to be left at the site. With these offerings we will mark the four directions and build an altar.

Offering Suggestions:

  • Totems of the five elements (earth, wind, fire, air, ether)

  • Totems or offerings for archangels Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Metatron, Sandalphon

  • All natural and organic fermented beverage and tea cakes for the fae

  • Crystals, herbs, flowers, incense, smudge, water collected from fresh or salt water source, beewax candles, honey

Parking is limited and roadside. Please arrive by 8:30 am. The walk to the area on the marked trail known as Little Rock is roughly ten minutes from the main road. There will be an incline to the site.

Once you arrive at the rock, continue straight back to a second clearing of rock formations (pictured below). Attendees and their offerings will be smudged. If your offering is a direction marker, please place it appropriately.

Starting promptly at 9 am we will call in the angels, then present our offerings before opening an ascension vortex. Plan on meditating for about an hour. Please bring water and something to sit on if needed.

There is no fee to attend this event but you are asked to kindly RSVP so that Kristin can plan accordantly.